KampData TaxEngine

Sales Tax Calculator for Microsoft Dynamics® GP Integrations

The KampData TaxEngine™ is a plug in product that brings sales tax calculation and related features into other applications. If you have a web store, eConnect integration, or other order entry application that integrates with Microsoft Dynamics® GP, then you can use the KampData TaxEngine™ to calculate sales tax for transactions created through that integration. The results of the TaxEngine's tax calculations are identical to tax calculations made by Microsoft Dynamics® GP.

The TaxEngine is a .NET DLL written in C#. The TaxEngine presents an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows its features to be utilized inside other .NET or COM enabled applications.

KampData TaxEngine™ Lite

The lite version provides a subset of the features contained in the full version of the KampData TaxEngine™.

TaxEngine Features

KampData TaxEngine™ Lite features include:

IV Site: The TaxEngine supports Pickup/Delivery Shipping Types. For sales transactions, the IV Site is the tax location for Pickup shipping types and the ship-to address is the tax location for Delivery shipping types. For purchase transactions, the opposite is true under the assumption that the taxable location is the place that you take possession of the goods or services.

Tax Calculation: The TaxEngine calculates sales and use tax. The Microsoft Dynamics GP tax details and tax schedules can be utilized by the TaxEngine for this purpose.

Transaction History: The TaxEngine can save complete tax history from the tax calculation process providing a solid basis for tax reporting.

Tax Reports: The TaxEngine includes comprehensive and flexible tax reporting options.

Import Posted SOP Documents: Posted sales transactions can be imported from Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Additional features in the full version of the KampData TaxEngine™ include:

ZipAddressing: Send the KampData TaxEngine a valid ZIP Code and it will return the default city, county, and state for that ZIP Code. The KampData TaxEngine also makes available array lists of valid city, county, and state choices for that ZIP Code.

Tax Schedule Selection: Based on the city, county, state, and ZIP Code selected, The KampData TaxEngine will provide the default tax schedule ID, description, and initial tax rate. Tax schedule selection can be further controlled by specifying taxable/exempt and in/out of city limits.

Customer Taxability: The TaxEngine checks the DZ Customer Supplement table to see if the customer is taxable or exempt overall or in a particular tax location.

Item Taxability: The TaxEngine checks the Microsoft Dynamics GP item card to see if the item is taxable or exempt overall and checks the DZ Tax by Item Category settings to see if the item is taxable or exempt in a particular tax location.

Sample applications are included with The KampData TaxEngine. The C#, Visual Basic, and Dexterity code for these sample applications is included in the help file.


Microsoft Dynamics GP


Programming: The TaxEngine must be integrated with your purchase or sales entry application, so programming is required.